Weeks in: 47
Distance traveled: 17,638 miles
Current location: hats.cone.gent[?]

Eleven months ago today, I reversed my campervan out of my driveway in San Francisco and set forth on a magnificent adventure. I had ended my lease, put my possessions in storage, and packed the van with things I might need. I traveled alone across the country, from San Diego to Maine and back. I experienced so many great things, and I have so much to share with you!

This photo, for instance, was taken at sunrise while in Acadia National Park

a cruise ship in front of a sunrise from Mount Desert Island, Maine

Let’s be honest here: articles on this site are few and far between. Early on in the trip I decided to spend more time adventuring and less writing articles. I have been slowly, sneakily backfilling blog posts so that it appears I wrote them in realtime. Allow me to reassure you: the plan is to eventually have an article about every awesome place I went.

In addition to the “trip reports,” I have a number of other articles in the works that are more about vanlife in general… tips on saving money, apps I used all the time, suggestions for things to keep in the van, and some other things in that vein. These I suspect will be some of the most popular articles because they appeal to the wide audience of vanlifers and aspiring vanlifers.

Some updates since I originally wrote this article: I have started a FAQ, where you can ask me anything about the adventure.

Also, I have released a tremendous amount of dashcam footage, check it out!

some waterlilies in Acadia National Park

I also have a Frequently Asked Questions section in the works. Here you will be able to find answers to common questions like “did you ever feel unsafe?” and “did you get lonely?” If you have anything you’d like to see answered, go ahead and use the “ask me anything” link above!

Finally, I have over 250 hours(!) of dashcam footage saved for the upcoming “slow TV” project. That project is on hold right now (I need to settle back into a normal life in order to add music and other features), but I’m really excited about it. You’ll be able to tune in and watch my journey around the country, be it boring or spectacularly beautiful.

In summary, my adventure is winding down, but there’s still much to be done for this project. You can expect more trip reports, an extensive FAQ, new articles with vanlife tips, and a place to watch my dashcam footage.

Oh, one more thing! I recently created social media accounts on each of the major platforms, including the oft-requested Instagram, so pick your favorites and follow along:

And as always, thank you for reading!
